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Albert Einstein

Yeni Yazılar

A corporate brochure

is not just a brochure


Most of the company corporate brochures fail yet on the front cover. You even cannot

recognize the brand or company name at first glance since it is lost among garish visuals

and didactic slogans that keeps target audience away from connecting with the brand.


Right order of the content appears as the second point that doesn’t get enough attention.

A cliche introduction in an ordinary corporate brochure includes company’s history & profile

if not a “warm” message from its CEO regardless of the fact that target audience looks fo

r neither at first place. Your target audience needs to see right at the beginning short and

well formulated answers to the following three questions: Who are you, what are you offering,

and why they should prefer you among others, as your potential customers or employees?


Having a simple and clear main message of the brand and consequently structured sub-messages

addressing different segments of the target audience is the third crucial component to create a target oriented corporate brochure.


Too many facts & figures, unnecessary details about products and services which should be subject

of marketing publications, long and difficult-to-read paragraphs are other common mistakes in corporate

brochures that makes difficult for target audience to understand what differentiates you among others.


Needless to mention that all the visuals used in the brochure should be in high quality and real.

“Real” obviously means here “not stock photos” which usually have nothing to do with the people

and operations of the company that the brochure represents.


Company corporate brochures are the most important communication materials along with the

corporate web sites to create a positive first impression about the company. A target oriented,

well balanced content with clear messages tailored according to the each segment of target audience

will ensure an effective result. It is not about putting nice visuals and fancy words together hence better

even not to start with graphical work unless you know well what to say, how to say, and to whom to say.


The last but not least point is the quality of the graphical design and printing work that is a part of

“how you convey your message” to your target audience.



English Contents

A corporate brochure

is not just a brochure


Most of the company corporate brochures fail yet on the front cover. You even cannot

recognize the brand or company name at first glance since it is lost among garish visuals

and didactic slogans that keeps target audience away from connecting with the brand.


Right order of the content appears as the second point that doesn’t get enough attention.

A cliche introduction in an ordinary corporate brochure includes company’s history & profile

if not a “warm” message from its CEO regardless of the fact that target audience looks fo

r neither at first place. Your target audience needs to see right at the beginning short and

well formulated answers to the following three questions: Who are you, what are you offering,

and why they should prefer you among others, as your potential customers or employees?


Having a simple and clear main message of the brand and consequently structured sub-messages

addressing different segments of the target audience is the third crucial component to create a target oriented corporate brochure.


Too many facts & figures, unnecessary details about products and services which should be subject

of marketing publications, long and difficult-to-read paragraphs are other common mistakes in corporate

brochures that makes difficult for target audience to understand what differentiates you among others.


Needless to mention that all the visuals used in the brochure should be in high quality and real.

“Real” obviously means here “not stock photos” which usually have nothing to do with the people

and operations of the company that the brochure represents.


Company corporate brochures are the most important communication materials along with the

corporate web sites to create a positive first impression about the company. A target oriented,

well balanced content with clear messages tailored according to the each segment of target audience

will ensure an effective result. It is not about putting nice visuals and fancy words together hence better

even not to start with graphical work unless you know well what to say, how to say, and to whom to say.


The last but not least point is the quality of the graphical design and printing work that is a part of

“how you convey your message” to your target audience.

